Thursday, November 4, 2010

Virgin Blogger

Phew!  Who knew it could be so daunting to set up something as simple as a blog?  Maybe I should have titled this blog "Technically Challenged!" And yet... here you are, reading my writings!  Amazing the age that we live in, my friend.

As a newly ordained minister with the University of Metaphysics, and as a Soul Pilgrim myself, I welcome you to join me on my journey of discovering what this life is all about.  I can assure you that I don't have all the answers.  Heck, I don't even have all the questions!  But I have learned a thing or two during my lifetime on this planet, and it would be my pleasure to share that knowledge with you.  Live, laugh, and learn with me!

I have been employed as a medical transcriptionist (that's a stenographer, for you old timers) for the past five years or so.  I've always been intrigued by the human body, but didn't quite feel up to spending all the time and money required for medical school - so typing out medical reports seemed like the next best thing!  In addition to now knowing more than I'd ever wanted about all things icky relating to the human body, I have become increasingly fascinated by our body's ability to heal itself!  Thus began my journey into the realm of metaphysics.

I grew up as a born-again Christian of the Pentecostal variety.  Attending church on Sundays was nonnegotiable.  While there were many positive things about this upbringing, it hardly left me wide open to dialogue with those who had religious views differing from my own.  In a word:  DOGMA.  It dragged me down.  I now feel that a great deal of who I truly am was hijacked and stuffed into an ill-fitting package for so many years.  I was certainly devoted, including going ultraconservative for a number of years.  This involved getting rid of all jewelry (didn't even wear my wedding ring), makeup, pants; and perhaps most radical of all, donning a "head covering" for a few years, too.   No one forced me to do those things; I felt it was the logical next step in my journey of faith.  I believed what I believed so strongly, I did not want there to be any doubt in the minds of those who saw me as to whether I was pious or not.  It has been pointed out to me since that I do tend to be a rather "all or nothing" type of gal...

I will say, my friends and family were exceedingly gracious whilst I took this little spiritual detour.  I am sure some of them were scared to death, wondering what sort of cult I had joined!  In fact, I took to referring to myself as a "Mennocostal," which sounded more human than a "Pentonite."  My poor husband!  Look up longsuffering, and you will find his picture, for more reasons than one!

At any rate, after spending several years with my husband while he attended a conservative Bible College, it was time for us to step into ministry, pastoring a small church in a very small Canadian town.  More of a village, actually.  Quite a change for this city gal, I assure you!  And what a miserable year it was.  It turned out to be a pivotal one in my life, however; and for that, I am grateful.  During that very difficult, lonely, thankless year as a pastor's wife, a number of calamities took place in my family of origin.  This caused me to look harder than I'd ever wanted to at what I believed, and why I clung to it so tenaciously.  Another very important step on my spiritual journey, to be sure!

Well, that's enough for this introduction. I am so pleased that you've joined me, and I hope you come again!  It is my intention to publish at least once weekly on this blog.  Let us reflect, learn, and grow together!

This I know:  God is love, and I am ONE with God.  All that I need to know is already inside of me, as part of my communion with God.  I am growing in wisdom every day, even as I grow in love.  For this I am thankful.  I release these powerful words back into the Universe, knowing that it is already so.  And so it is.

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