As the song says, this is The Most Wonderful Time of the Year. Regardless of your spiritual beliefs, Christmas certainly does seem to be the time of year that brings out the best in people. Despite the frazzle and frustration of trying to stretch those dollars just a little farther in order to get that *perfect* gift; despite the lack of parking spaces at the mall; and despite our lack of will power to resist yet another butter tart and glass of eggnog, there is still a joy peculiar to this special time of year. I have noticed extra patience shown by drivers and shoppers alike. I have seen folks who don't have much throw a little something into the Salvation Army Kettle to make Christmas merry for someone else. I have been blessed to see some who don't normally practice volunteerism don an apron and serve turkey dinner to those in need.
So, even though at times throughout this season I have felt more Bah! Humbug! than Merry Christmas, on this Christmas Eve I do find myself reflecting on the joys that are present (pardon the Christmas pun) in my life all year through. I have been blessed with friends, family, and good health. I don't have much money, but I certainly have more than many who live in other parts of the globe. If I need medical care, there is a hospital in my city. We can afford insulin for our daughter. Our car is still running. Blessings abound, if we look for them.
My Christmas wish for you is that you will know deep, abiding peace, regardless of your current situation. If I have learned anything in this life, it is the truth of the statement that "This, too, shall pass." You may be broke today, and a millionaire tomorrow. The only constant for us is change, so we'd better embrace it and learn from it. As I look out at the stars twinkling above Canada this Christmas Eve, I am sending thoughts of peace and joy out into this beautiful world.
Rev. Janice
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